We hear a gathering of whispers. We hear the sword of Joan of Arc, the protest chants of the Las Tesis, the voice of Greta and the rumblings of men at work in the kitchen. We hear our middle finger stretching out, Russian flags being sewn without permission, and planets circling the sun. In the audio play Lauter Flüstern (Roaring whisper), friends encounter activists and elbows meet elbows, to ensure that resistance becomes a duty.
Concept, text & voice
Raha Emami Khansari, Eva-Maria Glitsch, Christine Kristmann, Anne Pretzsch
With texts by
Hannah Arendt, Enis Maci, Kay Sara, Nadja Tolokonnikowa
Schillerwelle – Das Festivalradio der 21. Internationalen Schillertage, Nationaltheater Mannheim
Designed for the MS Artville 2020 (Digital Edition) and funded by the Claussen-Simon Foundation and the Hamburg-Mitte district office.