Concept, choreography & performance
We know little of one another. We are pachyderms, we hold out our hands to each other but it’s a waste of time. One coarse hide rubs against the other. We are very lonely. (Georg Büchner, Danton's Death)
The amorphous body is uncontrollable. It dissolves, as it seeks touch and searches for what is singular in the collective. At the intersection of dance, poetry and science, corpora amorpha inquires into the way memories are inscribed in the body and attempts to locate the traces of such remembrance. Eventually, the boundaries between sensuous and lived embodiment and social conditions begin to blur, as the husks of words flicker over our forearms.
Janis Jirotka, Paula Jütting, Yolanda Morales, Verena Steiner
Schöne Aussichten – Künstlerische Abschlussarbeiten der Performance Studies, Kampnagel, Hamburg
Final project as part of a master's programme in Performance Studies at the University of Hamburg.